Research Paper Manuals and Tutorials

How To Come Up With A Good Topic For A Research Paper

Your topic for your research paper should be meets the requirements of the assignment that you are going to do for the class.  You don’t want to choose a topic that has nothing to do with the assignment you were assigned.  You also want to pick a topic that interest you but make sure you can find enough information on the topic or you will have to change it.  Start with a board topic and then during your research find a more specific topic to do your research paper on.  This will help you with your research because then you won’t be looking for too much information on a board topic but you also don’t want a topic that is too narrow as well.

Good Topics For A Research Paper

Here are some general topics that you can use as a starting point for your research paper.  Once you start your research, you should be able to come up with a specific topic in one of these categories.

  • Cyber Security:  Cyber Security is a different topic that you can do for your research paper.  You can do research on how it is prevented or how it is fixed after a breach.  You can also examine how software for our computers works to protect us from cyber attacks.
  • Outsourcing:  This topic can be looked at a few different ways, you can look at if it really saves companies money or if they are taking jobs away from American workers because of other factors.
  • Three Strike Law:  Doing research on the states that enforce this law and seeing if it decreases crime or discourages criminal from committing crimes.  You could also talk about what might happen if all fifty states imposed this law.
  • No Child Left Behind:  You probably know a little about this but since it was introduced it has become a controversial subject for schools, parents, and teachers.  Has No Child Left Behind help improve schools or has is made thing worst for students?
  • Stereotypes:  For this topic you can pick a specific group of people or a general group to examine the stereotypes that a group might have from other people.
  • Reality Television:  Reality television has become quite popular but is this a cheap way for people that want to be famous to become famous or is it a desperate way to exploit the people that participate on the shows.  

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Research Paper Tips

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